인공지능 큐레이션 추천 강의
일반 모바일 비환급
안전교육(외국인근로자) > 법정교육 NCS분류 : 해당없음
Safety and health education(상반기)_ENG_12H [비사무직]
총 12 차시 / 인정시간 12 시간
첨삭강사 LOe Jungwoo, LOe Eunha, aOd Shin Kyungsoo | 인정기간 ~ 까지 |
교육비 20,000 원 | 학습정원 500 명 |
교육시간 12시간 / 4 주 | 자부담비 대기업- 20,000 원 중견기업- 20,000 원 우선지원- 20,000 원 |
수강 신청 가능한 수업이 없습니다. |
해당사항이 없습니다. |
신청하기 비환급과정 교육신청은 교육원에 문의해주시기 바랍니다. ☏ 1833 3075 |
It is an education to maintain and promote safety and health by establishing standards for occupational safety and health at workplaces and clarifying the location of responsibility to prevent industrial accidents and create a pleasant working environment.
This is an upgraded process that reflects the revision (as of 2023.02).
차시 | 내용 |
1차시 | Understanding the Occupational Safety and Health Act |
2차시 | Occupational accidents and preventive management |
3차시 | Measures for health impairment and management caused by yellow dust and fine substances |
4차시 | Types and Prevention of Occupational Diseases |
5차시 | Health examination and working environment management of workers |
6차시 | Prevention of health disorders for standing workers |
7차시 | Understanding the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance System |
8차시 | Dangers of mechanical facilities and countermeasures |
9차시 | Types of musculoskeletal diseases and preventive measures |
10차시 | Occupational health management of workers |
11차시 | Prevention of recurrence of safety accidents by type of work |
12차시 | Chronic fatigue and preventive management |
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인공지능 큐레이션 추천 강의
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